

  • In this 365-day devotional Catherine Campbell extends an invitation to spend a year focusing daily on the life, teachings and ministry of Jesus Christ. Warmly written, and firmly rooted in Scripture, ‘Consider Him’ offers personal stories, anecdotes and narrative biblical retellings to draw our minds and hearts closer to Him.
    Whether you are beginning, renewing or deepening your relationship with Jesus, let ‘Consider Him’ guide you towards the ‘Author and Perfecter of our faith’.
  • When life’s tough stuff lands on our laps, it can seem as if God has given up on us. The truth is, though, God is never done with us. Our circumstances do not have to define us; neither should we believe that the Christian life is only for those who have got it all together. God Isn’t Finished With You Yet retells five Bible stories of real people with difficult and sometimes painful lives, where we discover that God loves to take the most unlikely individuals, and circumstances, and bring about glorious transformation in people and communities. The accompanying ‘Life Lessons’ encourage us to respond biblically to our own life situations.
  • Catherine invites us to journey with her this year as she shares 365 Bible meditations that have touched her heart and changed her life. Using an eclectic mix of readings, character cameos and anecdotes, Catherine takes us across new terrain every day. As with life, some paths will be smooth and scenic, while others are steep and stony. The journey may be unpredictable, but the map is trustworthy and the Guide always present. As surely as winter blossoms into spring, and autumn eventually carpets summer lawns, God’s word will excite, challenge, heal and guide us in the year ahead. So, let’s walk together!
  • Darkness cannot remain in the presence of light. Yet it is not as simple as the flicking on of a switch. It requires action on our part… we need to choose to leave the darkness behind and follow the light. That light is to be found in the One who declares Himself to be the Light of the World. In forty short devotional readings Catherine encourages us to make living in the light a daily practice by accessing the power available to us in Jesus. As we do so we will see the darkness flee before our eyes.
  • 'Encounters with the God of the impossible.'

    Let’s face it, few of us are superheroes. In fact most of us are just plain ordinary. In spite of this fact God continues to throw the impossible in our direction and, invariably, we shout back “I can’t!” Yet we discover this is the best background against which God can “do immeasurably more than we can ask or even think” as the apostle Paul put it. ‘When We Can’t, God Can’ sets side by side the stories of men and women from the biblical narrative and today who said “I can’t”, only to go on to accomplish great things for the God who declares his strength to be made perfect in weakness. Catherine’s particular gift is to encourage, and to provide connections between the experience of biblical characters and today.
  • '... when God turns your pain into gain'

    Few of us are prepared to meet the unexpected blow of suffering head on, even though it is part of life’s package.

    Catherine Campbell has personally walked the path of the broken-hearted. She shares with us how pain shapes our faith and develops a deep trust in the God who can transform what is broken in our lives. Using God’s Word, illustrated by moving true-life stories, Catherine explores the difficult questions to enable us to find help for our struggling hearts. This book is a must-read if you’re suffering or supporting others, and an invaluable resource to prepare all of us for challenging times. Through suffering God writes another story with our lives. Not the ‘perfect’ one we would have written for ourselves, but an infinitely more beautiful, more wonderful story that helps us to see that broken really does work best.
  • The sight of a rainbow is more than a beautiful natural phenomenon. For behind each physical show is a reminder of a God who always keeps His promises – especially in the middle of life's storms.

    'Rainbows for Rainy Days' is a full colour, hard back book containing 40 devotional readings. Bringing together a selection of promises from the bible, Catherine's writings encourage the reader to trust God for whatever situation they find themselves in. Uplifting and inspiring, this little gem will brighten any rainy day!
  • More than an autobiography, the book takes a glimpse at issues such as friendship, helping children grieve, and turning pain into gain. It will make you laugh, and it may make you cry, but ultimately it will reveal to you a God who always keeps his promises.

    This is the story of a mother's journey with God through heartache and loss. It reveals with remarkable honesty the disappointment, devastation and even anger she feels when confronted with what some would see as unfortunate genetic mistakes. In time, she comes to see it differently.
  • 'In a world of rejection, He accepts you'

    God loves us, just as we are. This book encourages us to embrace the truth of a personal God, the God who knows our name. From the loveless Hagar of the Bible to the abused Donna of Dublin; from the hopeless leper of Mark’s Gospel to the outcast Dalit of Hyderabad: each chapter introduces us to individuals accepted by a God who intervenes on their behalf. These are stories of rejection and acceptance from the Bible and today – true, carefully researched, and told with remarkable power. "A page turner. I really enjoyed this book! It deserves to be widely read." Wendy Virgo, author of Influential Women "Catherine is a great storyteller. On a packed, noisy train, I found myself engrossed and deeply moved by a host of vivid, contemporary characters, past and present, who stayed with me long after my journey came to an end." Michele Guinness, author of The Heavenly Party "This is a great book. I highly recommend it, especially for anyone who may be doubting their worth. I couldn’t put it down." Mark Stibbe, author of I Am Your Father "This book reveals God as 'I AM.' Through stories spanning 4000 years God moves from past doctrine to present reality." Valerie Murphy, Precept, Northern Ireland "This book is a joy." Jean Gibson, author of Seasons of Womanhood
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